The Southern Wakes United Water Ski Show Team
Walworth County's ONLY water ski show team!
SWU is a merger of the Lauderdale Aqua Skiers and the Whitewater Lake Sports Club (Minneiska). We are a non-profit water skiing organization whose purpose is to give the young and young-at-heart an opportunity to work together to build confidence in their abilities, learn new skills and promote leadership development, water safety education and sportsmanship.

$55 Under 25
$85 Individual
$175 Family
Purchase membership for insurance through USA Waterski
This membership needs to be purchased annually.
Available in individual and family rates.
*If your membership is still active, you may proceed to the other steps.
$15 Individual
$30 Family
Purchase membership
through WWSF (Wisconsin Waterski Federation)
This membership needs to be purchased annually and allows you to compete in tournaments.
*If your membership is still active, you may proceed to the other steps.
$30 Non-Skier
$125 Skier
$350 Family
Register with the SWU Water Ski Show Team.
Write down your USA Water Ski and WWSF membership numbers which are needed to complete your SWU registration.
Again this year, it is mandatory to sell $200 in raffle tickets, but this year, you will be charged up front - $200 during membership registration.
2024 Memberships
It is not necessary for members to have a boat, skis or ropes
to join the SWU Water Ski Show Team!
We are always looking for new members, experienced or novice, as well as supporting members (costume coordinators, ways and means assistants, rope-rollers, dock hands, boat spotters and more).